Our Promise and Our Mission

Our Promise: Transformative Wellbeing

sober living philosophy of care

When someone says “I promise,” many of us have sadly been conditioned to expect less than, or nothing at all, from the extended hand waiting for your shake. Many promises don’t come to fruition. FIREBIRD Transformations offers a Sober Living Philosophy of Care that is a promise to you, and we’re not doing it lightly. Yet these are simple promises and reflective of our virtues. In offering a promise to an incoming Member and their Family, we ask for an exchange of simple promises back. Healing the torn sense of personal self-worth and broken valor are among our top priorities, and the foundation of the following:

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Honesty in all affairs

Equal treatment in home life

Answering any question we have permission to answer

Leading by example, openness, and life lessons

Inspiring at every chance

Never letting a good deed go unnoticed

Gratitude as a way of life.

If you haven't noticed by now, we're big on acronyms, a great memory technique. So remember, while we promise H.E.A.L.I.N.G., we cannot promise recovery, or a cure for addiction We see addiction as a very multifaceted and complicated individual, familial, and societal issue. An onion is an excellent illustration of our philosophy regarding addiction: what we see is the ragged, outmost layer. When we cut into the onion, we cry, often causing us to want to use shortcuts around having to make the slice, or even just to peel it. Yet once that slice is made, the layers are evident, and the core is revealed. There's a source a which leads to that exterior to which we've become accustomed. Where did it come from? Furthermore, why does society just look at the skin (the substance addiction condition) and not the wholeness of the person (not only all the layers underneath, but the soil our metaphorical onion was grown in). Getting to the core of the onion is the core of our mission, and the core of our sober living philosophy of care. Leading a recovering man to discover where the addiction began is essential to ensuring an enduring transformative process. By use of area clinicians, resources, and diverse yet well-understood techniques, our promise is to help lead recovering men to understanding the "Whys" behind the "Whats" and the hopeful epiphanies that follow. We can't promise that the horse led to water will drink, but to paraphrase a well-known clinician trainer with Crossroads Education, "you can lead a horse to water, but you can can't make them drink... but you can make them taste salt." We also promise education, fun, and the essential sense of community. Most importantly, we promise compassion. Based on the work of and to paraphrase Dr. Gabor Maté, we encounter our Members with compassions of human suffering, understanding of the uniqueness and validity of their personal experience, of recognizing the comprehensive "sameness" we share, and a compassion of possibility- by not mistaking outward appearance and behavior as a foreshadowing of their human potential. The only promise we ask of you, at the very beginning, is to try. Once you try, than we both know you can do.

The Mission Guiding Our Recovery Philosophy

The core values uniting our Members and Leaders:

Transparency in all affairs comes first;

Right to know the functioning status of the Program;

Advance data-driven and evidenced based modalities into post-treatment aftercare;

Natural Self Development guides your course of care;

Self-Knowledge is foundational to permanent growth;

Family, Friend, & Found Support is required;

Organizational Flexibility & Innovation ensures we continually focus on the present to ensure most positive outcomes for all;

Recovery is a necessary social movement to reclaim the value of life;

Making New Connections and discovering transforming abilities in a new life forward!

Transparency is reflected in all aspects of our life, from our day-to-day routines to how we run this operation. Other than the protection of intellectual property, our books are open and our expectations are clear. Right to Know; how our income is being spent, how all processes and procedures are developed, and what our personal and organizational goals are in order to attain as much understanding as possible. Advance Data-driven Methods; with certified clinicians, and especially a group consensus on a shared vision, we believe that what is proven by science and beyond to work NOW at beating addiction comes before the dogma of this way versus that way. Natural Self Development comes before rigid timelines and exact uniformities; what is one man's nature isn't another's. Self-Knowledge only begins with self-encouragement, which by itself it a huge task. It's proven that positive enforcement comes before any aggressive or strong-armed approaches to "state change," or perception modification. We look to catch what's working as a tool to solve what's not in order to foster deeper introspection. Family, friend, and "found" support: sponsors, family integration, the honoring of friendships (non-triggering) and building new relationships is key to sustained well-being. Organizational Flexibility and Innovation: we want to lead by being as unafraid as our Members, and as Leaders choosing to be intentional, to be the example. This means being honest, open, and trusting. Recovery is a necessary social movement to reclaim the value of life; recovery is a form of social justice, of breaking the bonds of perceived want for we can collectively focus our intention as Brothers on actual needs in our community and the larger world. Our recovery philosophy is more than a congealing of warm thoughts; they are a call to action! Making new connections and discovering transforming abilities in a new life forward! We space for reconnecting for all that which has been taken from us during active addiction and separation from what we love- wonder and awe, curiosity and initiative, action and results. All with the specialized supports needed and a consistent, supportive, and engaging environment for the safe practice or "becoming," not returning to the old you. That's why you're ASKING FOR HELP!

Our Mission, therefore, is to Transform.

This is just the beginning, but this isn't new for us. For both the struggling person, and for the Clinician, we all had a Day One. We are ready to support you with extensive experience, a structured recovery philosophy, energy, and readiness to serve the whole family. We have extensive resources at our avail to do it, and a track record of success.

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