Where To Find Us

Let’s Meet: Visit Kingfisher House

Kingfisher House is our “HQ” and it’s also where we hold our Open Meeting every Sunday at 6pm. We emphasize that “our programs are not the physical houses,” and vice-versa. Visiting is a great way to meet our Staff and hear directly from our Members about their impression of our work. Here’s some important information to consider prior to stopping by:

  • DO call ahead of time to arrange your visit.
  • DO bring your questions (any & all) and don’t be afraid to ask ’em!
  • DO sign a Confidentiality Agreement upon entry.
  • DON’T pass up a cup of coffee, tea, or even a slice of pie!

Our address is: 90 Dover Street, Asheville NC 28804. GPS will not betray you, most of the time. If you get an address in Marshall NC, turn back! That’s from way back when we first began.

All Member mail should be addressed there, no matter whether they reside at Peregrine House, Nighthawk Cottage, or Redtail House. Those addresses are not listed publicly. Also, pretty please do not send mail to our PO Box unless otherwise indicated.